Newsletter – April 2021
18 April 2021
Newsletter – December 2021
28 December 2021
Newsletter - June 2021

Brothers and sisters, let’s rejoice, as the 2021 Pranic World Festival (PWF) will take place in presence from July 10-21, and at the same time, it will be broadcasted online, so that everyone worldwide will be able to receive the information. We will have 12 days together, with a minimum of three speakers per day, so be prepared to hear a great deal about this new paradigm that is enlightening the universe!
Registration for your attendance in presence is now open, with a special discount offered if you register before July 1st, available here: breatharianworld.com/en/subscribe-to-the-festival
For online attendance, we will use the Zoom platform, with its new feature of simultaneous translation in many languages! From your mobile or computer, you’ll have the option to choose which language to hear; we are working to have English, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian available! Registration for the online PWF is available here: breatharianworld.com/en/pranic-world-festival-2021-live-broadcast
We are still waiting for final confirmations, but the following is a first draft of our confirmed speakers: breatharianworld.com/en/category/speakers-2021
Below you will find the essential links for the 2021 PWF.
In truth,
Nicolas & Staff
Subscribe to the pwf
breatharianworld.com/en/subscribe-to-the-festivalSubscribe to the pwf online on zoom
breatharianworld.com/en/pranic-world-festival-2021-live-broadcastPhisical food (Food Point)
Within the Festival area everybody can, if he will, serve him/herself at the different Food Points: breatharianworld.com/en/refreshment-pointHow to reach the festival
A shuttle will start every 2-3 hours from the Fabriano railway station to/from the festival location. it’ll be available from 1pm on 31 May to 1pm on 11 June 2018. breatharianworld.com/en/how-to-reach-usImportant!
We remind you that the PWF is not the place aimed to experience a process but rather and most importantly to gather information. breatharianworld.com/avvisoVIDEOS OF THE PWF PAST EDITIONS
🎦 Playlist PWF 2020:
breatharianworld.com/pranic-world-festival-online-2020/🎦 Playlist PWF 2019:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2019🎦 Playlist PWF 2018:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2018🎦 Playlist PWF 2017:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2017🎦 Playlist PWF 2016:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2016Please register yourselves on the youtube Breatharian channel so you can stay informed about new videos we publish there www.youtube.com/breatharianworld
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pranicworldfestival
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pranicworldfestival

The Eden Pranic Center is honored to host the 2021 PWF. It will be an occasion for you to enjoy our 80 hectares of nature, which we inte nd to expand limitlessly… We would like to remind you that we also offer processes every month, both in presence and online. These processes serve as an activation into PranicBreatharianism, an enlightenment, an awakening to truth.
To know more about it you can email us at info@pranicenter.com
Youtube Eden
youtube.com/channel…Online processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/onlineAll events
www.pranicenter.com/en/eventsThe breatharian processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/the-breatharian-processesHow to reach us
pranicenter.com/category/videoPlease register yourselves on the youtube Eden Pranic Center channel so you can stay informed about new videos we publish there.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eden.pranic.center
Facebook groups:World: www.facebook.com/groups/1107898175937341
IT: www.facebook.com/groups/795311907171133
FR: www.facebook.com/groups/28394139523
EN: www.facebook.com/groups/509442155886231
DE: www.facebook.com/groups/768717609940802
PT: www.facebook.com/groups/1669185759965389
RU: www.facebook.com/groups/1059305080795819
ES: www.facebook.com/groups/1806129756284383
LT: www.facebook.com/groups/127052487777145
RO: www.facebook.com/groups/nutritie.pranica
NL: www.facebook.com/groups/2109046962656305