Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – April 25th 2022
25 April 2022
Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – June 2022
17 June 2022
Newsletter "Eden Pranic Center" - May 2022

Greetings beloved pranic friends,
Within the joy of organizing the Pranic World Festival, we rejoice in the fact that pranic living is being spread around the world in a speed we would have never imagined before. Human beings from all over this planet are coming to the understanding that living on light is not only possibility but also a great choice for those in search of a more harmonious and sustainable world.
We are opening our eyes to the fact that reconnecting with our natural state of being is the solution to most of the issues humanity is facing nowadays. And remember that any slight change in your diet or your consumtion is already imprinting new amazing information on the collective DNA that will affect the many generations to come.
There’s no need to rush to attain any specific practice or breatharian level, but to integrate little by little our higher consciousness and use the ego without letting it take over our whole life.
Check out the new videos:
And also check out the Pranic World Festival 2022 Program:
We remind you the registration for the Pranic World Festival 2022 is open with a special early bird discount. We are looking forward to receiving you and having a great time altogether during the biggest Pranic gathering of the year.
If you feel like connecting with your pranic siblings next month, we have the online and in-person processes:
With love and light,
Nicolas & Raffaella
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pranicworldfestival
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pranicworldfestival