Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – July 2022
7 July 2022
Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – August 2022
9 August 2022
Newsletter "Eden Pranic Center" - July 28th 2022

Dear Pranic Friends,
We couldn’t be more delighted about this edition of the Pranic World Festival which is just a few days away. It is a huge joy to host a gathering of this size in our beautiful garden in the heart of Italy.
We can barely wait for the 1st of August to come and open our gates to all of you! This space filled with love and harmony is more than set to let even more love and happiness come into play.
The EDEN Pranic Center and all its spellbinding nature are with open arms waiting for you!
Come and join us for the 7th edition od the Pranic World Festival:
You can register now in-person or online (last minute registration at the gate also accepted*
Program and Speakers PWF2022:
How to reach us:
Refreshment Point:
Carpooling file:
*In-person participants: Remember to bring your headphones/earphones to listen to the translation of the talks via Zoom.
With love and light,
Nicolas & Raffaella
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pranicworldfestival
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pranicworldfestival