Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – November 2022
21 November 2022
Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – January 2023
25 January 2023
Newsletter "Eden Pranic Center" - December 2022

Dear Pranic Friends,
Gratitude inhabits all the space in our hearts by the end of this year. Seeing all of you progressing and sharing with us your breatharian experiences is a real gem we cherish every single day in our Center.
All the Pranic processes imparted these last 12 months combined with the beautiful Pranic World Festival 2022, reminded us valuable reasons to keep going forward into this path of awareness, unrestricted love, compassion and connection with the universal forces.
Together the journey becomes easier and more enjoyable, and this is why we would love to have you at the Pranic World Festival 2023. Registrations are open with a great early bird discount!
Register NOW for the Pranic World Festival 2023:
Check out our recent videos:
Join us on our 9 or 21-day Breatharian Process online or in-person in January:
Subscribe to Breatharian World Newsletter:
May the life force be with you,
Nicolas & Raffaella
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eden.pranic.center
Whatsapp: +39 3317032659