Newsletter “Pranic World Festival” – March 2022
22 March 2022
Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – May 2022
22 May 2022
Newsletter "Eden Pranic Center" - April 25th 2022

Hello Beloved Pranic Friends,
Many of you may be transitioning to a Pranic lifestyle and many questions and doubtful moments may arise along this path. Keep in mind that discomfort is very often a sign of healing and growth. As when we were children and our teeth were coming out displacing the previous ones, new paradigms in our lives are taking over the old patterns we have spent many lifetimes putting together. Discomfort, pain, irritation, and the so-called “bad” circumstances can benefit us in ways we are not always aware of.
We encourage you to be truthful to yourself, be gentle with tenderness and keep moving in the direction that leads you to the highway of unconditional love. This human experience is a blink of an eye in the eternity of our souls and we are here to just enjoy the ride.
Check out the last videos in our YouTube Channel:
And remember the registration for the Pranic World Festival 2022 is open with a special discount for early registration. We are looking forward to receiving you and having a great time altogether during the biggest Pranic gathering of the year.
Thank you for shining and spreading the light out there in some part of this wonderful world.
And keep in mind we have pranic processes online and in-person happening every month.
With love and pranic vibes,
Nicolas and Raffaella
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eden.pranic.center
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel...