Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – January 2023
25 January 2023
Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – March 2023
22 March 2023
Newsletter "Eden Pranic Center" - February 2023

Hello Beloved Pranic Friends,
We’re here popping up as a reminder that it doesn’t matter how fast you get wherever you want to be, what really counts is here and now. In whatever situation you find yourself in, enjoy yourself and appreciate the perfection of the outcome.
The breatharian path is not about achieving, not about going and getting, it’s about allowing the truth to reveal before your eyes and living fully every step we take towards our new self.
Check out our recent videos:
Join us on our 9 or 21-day Breatharian Process online or in-person in March or April:
Register NOW for the Pranic World Festival 2023:
Subscribe to Breatharian World Newsletter:
Sending light and love to your path,
Nicolas & Raffaella
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eden.pranic.center
Whatsapp: +39 3317032659