Newsletter – June 2021
11 June 2021
Newsletter “Pranic World Festival” – March 2022
22 March 2022
Newsletter - December 2021

Dear friends of the light, We would like to remind you that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, you are not alone – even if sometimes everything seems to tell you that you are, this is not true. The truth is that anyone who is in bliss has gone through the realms of suffering. Bliss is your destination! We, as you, are part of the one body of existence and the one greater wisdom of the universe! So we share with you our Pranic state, our cosmic strength, our Love, and our infinite joy. You are our meaning, and we’re sending you a smile.

The 7th edition of the Pranic World Festival will take place from August 1-12, 2022, at the Eden Pranic Center in Italy. There will be new Breatharian speakers and updates on the lifestyle without food, Pranic living. For those of you too far away to reach the festival in presence, we’ll have a Zoom broadcast with real-time translations in several languages. And for those who come to Italy, there are 88 hectares of land for camping. Let’s see how many of you show up to meet family!
🎦 Playlist PWF 2021:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2021🎦 Playlist PWF 2020:
breatharianworld.com/pranic-world-festival-online-2020/🎦 Playlist PWF 2019:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2019🎦 Playlist PWF 2018:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2018🎦 Playlist PWF 2017:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2017🎦 Playlist PWF 2016:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2016Please register yourselves on the youtube Breatharian channel so you can stay informed about new videos we publish there www.youtube.com/breatharianworld
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pranicworldfestival
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pranicworldfestival

We are now entering our eighth year of organizing initiation processes in our center and have followed about 1,000 of you. We are honored to have been given such a task, and we would like to remind all of you of how important you are, and how important it is for you to accept the manifestation of your true potential as human beings, in order to create a more sustainable life on our planet.
To all friends, collaborators, speakers, volunteers, the public, enemies, Breatharians, and whomever else you may be, allow yourself to change and become your own surprise; discover the love that you are.
Nicolas & Raffaella
Youtube Eden
youtube.com/channel…Online processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/onlineAll events
www.pranicenter.com/en/eventsThe breatharian processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/the-breatharian-processesHow to reach us
pranicenter.com/category/videoPlease register yourselves on the youtube Eden Pranic Center channel so you can stay informed about new videos we publish there.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eden.pranic.center
Facebook groups:World: www.facebook.com/groups/1107898175937341
IT: www.facebook.com/groups/795311907171133
FR: www.facebook.com/groups/28394139523
EN: www.facebook.com/groups/509442155886231
DE: www.facebook.com/groups/768717609940802
PT: www.facebook.com/groups/1669185759965389
RU: www.facebook.com/groups/1059305080795819
ES: www.facebook.com/groups/1806129756284383
LT: www.facebook.com/groups/127052487777145
RO: www.facebook.com/groups/nutritie.pranica
NL: www.facebook.com/groups/2109046962656305