Newsletter – November 2020
21 November 2020
Newsletter – June 2021
11 June 2021
Newsletter - April 2021

Hello light family,
A friend of mine says, “no news is good news”! this is the reason of our extended silence since some months now … Another friend says, “the best plan is no plan”! as in the here and now anything that you’ll do will be perfectly organized by the flowing universe … So let me describe you the situation for now:

The 6th edition of the Pranic World Festival in 2021 will happen in a new ONLINE format, we are still deciding the platform, we want it to be interactive and LIVE, so if you have some ideas, please write us now: info@breatharianworld.com
For the festival to happen in PRESENCE, Europe seems to plan opening of “normal” life, from beginning of JUNE onwards, so we don’t know yet if “normal” includes festivals and gatherings like ours linked to health and joy ! We’ll update you at the end of may about the situation here in Italy, as another friend says, no one can predict the future...
We remind you that the PWF 2021 is scheduled from JULY 1st to 12th this year and we are scheduling many new BREATHARIANS that are blooming all around the universe to share the “good news”.
🎦 Playlist PWF 2020:
breatharianworld.com/pranic-world-festival-online-2020/🎦 Playlist PWF 2019:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2019🎦 Playlist PWF 2018:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2018🎦 Playlist PWF 2017:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2017🎦 Playlist PWF 2016:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2016Please register yourselves on the youtube Breatharian channel so you can stay informed about new videos we publish there www.youtube.com/breatharianworld
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pranicworldfestival
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pranicworldfestival

Is OPEN and is an ideal place to practice Pranic Living, people coming to us have the necessity to heal transmuting suffering to joy and enter the natural state of being. You can stay as much as you want in the garden of EDEN, we need more gardeners.
Furthermore we have ONLINE processes happening every month in English, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese and these processes are designed for your normal daily life, working, taking care of your family, practicing sports, keeping your social activities and so on … Our experienced facilitators will guide you and support your cellular transition. To know more about it you can email us at info@pranicenter.com
Youtube Eden
youtube.com/channel…Online processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/onlineAll events
www.pranicenter.com/en/eventsThe breatharian processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/the-breatharian-processesHow to reach us
pranicenter.com/category/videoPlease register yourselves on the youtube Eden Pranic Center channel so you can stay informed about new videos we publish there.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eden.pranic.center
Facebook groups:World: www.facebook.com/groups/1107898175937341
IT: www.facebook.com/groups/795311907171133
FR: www.facebook.com/groups/28394139523
EN: www.facebook.com/groups/509442155886231
DE: www.facebook.com/groups/768717609940802
PT: www.facebook.com/groups/1669185759965389
RU: www.facebook.com/groups/1059305080795819
ES: www.facebook.com/groups/1806129756284383
LT: www.facebook.com/groups/127052487777145
RO: www.facebook.com/groups/nutritie.pranica
NL: www.facebook.com/groups/2109046962656305