Newsletter – March 2020
21 March 2020
Newsletter – May 2020
26 May 2020
Newsletter - April 2020

Dear friends,
In the most part of the world, COVID-19 is conditioning our daily life: with the restrictions currently existing on momevents, gatherings are forbidden in Italy without knowing until when... For this reason, exceptionally for this year Pranic World Festival 2020 will happen Online becoming the Pranic World Festival Online 2020 (PWFO). On June 1st 2020 PWFO will start and everyone will be able to listen to the 40 + videos in 5 languages, directly by computers or mobile phone from anywhere, worldwide ! It is a difficult moment for many, for this reason, we have decided to stay closer to people, spreading and offering the Festival to the Universal Abundance for free! You will just need to register yourselves to our website and will receive the link of the festival videos on the 1 of june with and the audio in the chosen language in your email box. We trust in perfection and we surrender to higher self.
Shine the light!
www.breatharianworld.com/en/video-pwfo-2020-trailerGUESTS 2020
www.breatharianworld.com/en/#speakersREGISTRATION FESTIVAL 2020 FREE
www.breatharianworld.com/en/donateVIDEOS OF THE PWF PAST EDITIONS
🎦 Playlist PWF 2019:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2019🎦 Playlist PWF 2018:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2018🎦 Playlist PWF 2017:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2017🎦 Playlist PWF 2016:
www.breatharianworld.com/en/category/video-2016Please register yourselves on the youtube Breatharian channel so you can stay informed about new videos we publish there www.youtube.com/breatharianworld
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pranicworldfestival
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pranicworldfestival
Now it is full spring in Eden center, nature is awakening and it is such a wonderful thing to live in every moment in presence with it.
We are adapting ourselves to the situation with COVID-19 and we don't know when we will be able to welcome little groups of people for Processes in our pranic center... we shall see.
Anyway we have arranged for you some 9 and/or 21 online day Processes, which are suitable for a first experience and also to go deeper if you are already on the Awakening way and need to reconnect again!
You can participate from your homes with our facilitators in 5 languages : English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese!
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you.
Online processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/onlineAll events
www.pranicenter.com/en/eventsThe breatharian processes
www.pranicenter.com/en/the-breatharian-processesHow to reach us
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Facebook groups:World: www.facebook.com/groups/1107898175937341
IT: www.facebook.com/groups/795311907171133
FR: www.facebook.com/groups/28394139523
EN: www.facebook.com/groups/509442155886231
DE: www.facebook.com/groups/768717609940802
PT: www.facebook.com/groups/1669185759965389
RU: www.facebook.com/groups/1059305080795819
ES: www.facebook.com/groups/1806129756284383
LT: www.facebook.com/groups/127052487777145
RO: www.facebook.com/groups/nutritie.pranica
NL: www.facebook.com/groups/2109046962656305