Breatharianism – A scientific knowledge to unwrap the Gifts of life 🎁
20 September 2023
Eden Pranic Center – Newsletter 11/2023
21 November 2023
Eden Pranic Center - Newsletter 10/2023
"Distance and time cannot block the flow of energy, love and wisdom."
With this intent, this month we are coming to Moscow, Russia for the World Prana Gathering starting from 14th October to 22nd October 2023.
In the energetic presence of Breatharians, & many wellbeing experts - you will not only gain insights on youthfulness, health and healing but by signing up you will go through the experience of realising how your own life energy heals & nourishes you.
For the program details on the World Energy Fest :
There is a facility for you to participate in while sitting at the comfort of your home getting lectures, translated in English and Russian.
Give yourself a chance to dive in the ocean of bliss.
Link for online participation:
We always consider ourselves as the instrument of life, serving humanity by sharing our advance, profound yet simple wisdom on achieving supreme health & holistic healing with Prana - the life force energy. Join us in our next 9 or 21 days Breatharian initiation process starting on the 1 of November, Online from the world or come in presence to our Pranic Center in Italy to have a life changing Pranic upgrade.
See you soon Russia ❤️
Always your friend
Nicolas & Raffaella 🧘🏻♂️🧘🏻♀️
Check out our recent videos: