Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – April 2023
21 April 2023
Newsletter “Eden Pranic Center” – June 2023
8 June 2023
Newsletter "Eden Pranic Center" - May 2023
Hello Dear Pranic Friends,
We are glad to be here to say “Hi!” and “Well done!” because every effort counts, every step forward matters. It takes courage and consistency to practice a unique lifestyle like the pranic one and know that you are doing great!
We are all in our own rhythm moving towards something higher that lives in us but sometimes is hard to connect with. So every step you take that prompts that greater version of yourself, no matter how tiny it might look, celebrate it!
“If not you, then who? If not now, then when?”
Join us TODAY on the 9 or 21-day Breatharian Process online or in-person in June:
Check out our recent videos:
Register for the Pranic Festival France in June:
Register for the Pranic World Festival 2023:
Sending infinite love,
Nicolas & Raffaella
Facebook: www.facebook.com/edenpranicenter
Instagram: www.instagram.com/eden.pranic.center
Whatsapp: +39 3317032659