Address of the
It is situated between Fabriano and Sassoferrato.
43.3763533 - 12.8195399
You can click to widen the map.
Via Coccore 10/A 6004 Fabriano (AN).
It is situated between Fabriano and Sassoferrato.
43.3763533 - 12.8195399
You can click to widen the map.
By car:
You have to come at Fabriano, then take the road to Sassoferrato SP16.
After about 10 km, once you've left FABRIANO, following the road to Sassoferrato; you will find the direction to Coccore on the left, in the middle of a bend,
Follow the road to the top of the village, then take the left, go through the village, after 100 mts, you will find an dirt road on your right, that leads directly to Eden Center.
By train:
We advise you to reach Fabriano railway station with direction to Ancona-Roma
. In front of Fabriano railway station you can lend an A.V.I.S. car or you can inform the staff of the Center Eden at which time you are going to arrive and we'll come to pick you up.By plane:
- Falconara Marittima Airport (about 57 km far away from the Center)
- Roma Airport (about 230 km far away from the Center)
- Bologna Airport (about 235 km far away from the Center)
- Pescara Airport (about 240 km far away from the Center)